Medically Reviewed by Christine Mikstas, RD, LD on August 23, 2022
Question 1/16

Which kind of chocolate is healthiest?

  • Milk
  • Dark
  • White
Question 2/16

Chocolate was believed to be so powerful that at one time:

  • Doctors used it to treat broken hearts
  • Nuns were forbidden to eat it
  • Both
Question 3/16

How many milk chocolate bars would you have to eat to get the caffeine in one cup of coffee?

  • Two
  • Eight
  • Fourteen
Question 4/16

Why is white chocolate white?

  • It is mostly milk
  • It has no cocoa solids
  • The color has been bleached out
Question 5/16

The average American eats about this much chocolate each year:

  • 2 pounds
  • 6 pounds
  • 12 pounds
Question 6/16

When do people buy the most candy?

  • Valentine's Day
  • Halloween
  • Easter
Question 7/16

Why is chocolate associated with love?

  • It makes you happy
  • Romeo gave it to Juliet
  • It's addictive
Question 8/16

What can you add to your brownie mix to pump up the chocolate flavor?

  • Instant espresso powder
  • Applesauce
  • Crushed graham crackers
Question 9/16

Which part of a chocolate Easter Bunny do most people eat first?

  • Ears
  • Tail
  • Nose
Question 10/16

Centuries ago, doctors used chocolate to treat:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Fever
  • Headaches
Question 11/16

Chocolate can cause:

  • Acne
  • Migraines
  • Both
Question 12/16

What did the Aztecs do with cacao beans?

  • Played games
  • Made people pay taxes with them
  • Fed animals
Question 13/16

Chocolate is the secret ingredient in which food:

  • Guacamole
  • Steak sauce
  • Molé
Question 14/16

Chocolate is better for your teeth than dried fruit.

  • True
  • False
Question 15/16

Plain low-fat milk and low-fat chocolate milk are about the same nutritionally.

  • True
  • False
Question 16/16

What is Dutch-process chocolate?

  • Chocolate from the Netherlands
  • A chocolate treated to be milder
  • Chocolate with extra air and milk