10 Questions for Eric McCormack

Medically Reviewed by Michael W. Smith, MD on July 13, 2017
3 min read

1. You're in two television series -- Travelers and Will and Grace -- and they're filmed in different cities. How do you stay fit on the road?

I go to hotel gyms. I do a lot of walking. Friends volunteer to pick me up, and I'm like, "Nope. I'll walk to where you are." I love cities where you can just walk forever.


2. Do you feel pressure returning to the role of Will Truman, on Will & Grace, years later?

There was pressure years ago. I was a very straight guy playing a gay guy. Was the gay community going to accept that? Was I going to be pigeonholed for the rest of my career? Now I own it. No one will ever be Will Truman except me. Whenever you do a series, if they don't like it, they don't like it. But if they love it, it's yours forever.


3. What's your personal health philosophy?

Because of the camera, I generally try to stay slim. I've never been a big athlete, so keeping fit has always been about running. I have to stretch. I can feel the age creeping in. I wouldn't say I've gotten into yoga yet, but I probably should. I'm just very impatient -- and yoga requires a kind of Zen I don't always have.


4. What's your worst health habit?

Wine. I will always not order potatoes so that I can have a glass of wine. I'm a white wine guy -- chardonnay. It's not macho, but. ...


5. How do you feel about aging?

I lost both my parents to cancer in their 70s. My mom smoked, but she didn't die from lung cancer -- she died from bladder cancer. Prostate cancer snuck up on my father a second time -- he beat it the first time. So there's kind of no rhyme or reason to it, but I'm aware that in my family, it can happen early.


6. Do you think there's a formula for a long, healthy life?

I'm very social. I think that's a big piece of it. My dad -- and a lot of men -- at a certain age start to pull away. They do a little less. They stay home a little more. For me, it's to keep living the way I've always lived -- with friends and travel, looking forward to meals and looking forward to getting together.


7. You're involved in many causes. Which are especially meaningful to you?

Prostate cancer is in my top three. Another big one is the Rape Treatment Center in Santa Monica. Anyone who's been raped in the Los Angeles area is taken there first before the police speak to them. They are dealt with humanely, properly, and legally. It's a tremendous thing for women. I do a lot for the ASPCA, too -- animal rescue.


8. You and your wife, Janet, recently celebrated your 20th anniversary. What's your secret?

Don't get divorced. Like every couple, it's a roller coaster -- but you have to stay on it. It's too easy when that's on the table. Janet and I said years ago, "Let's just take this off the table." No matter how bad the argument gets, we're working through it.


9. What makes you unhappy?

Stupidity and prejudice and prevailing ancient attitudes.


10. What makes you happy?

Work that I love. Riding my Vespa in Vancouver to work and then riding home when it's still light out. Walking my dogs on the beach with my son, who's 15 -- that's probably the most relaxed and happy I can get.

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