How Does Your Condition Affect Your Job? And What Are Your Solutions and Workarounds?

Medically Reviewed by Dany Paul Baby, MD on July 01, 2022
1 min read

34% of adults ages 18 to 65 have one chronic condition. 11% have two or more. Though some are disabled by chronic conditions, advances in technology and disease management have helped many functions in the workplace. Flexible times and work policies have helped as well. 

Policies and programs in the workplace that addresses the needs of all are beneficial to employers and workers. Workers with chronic conditions that can blend family responsibilities with work responsibility are shown to have high job satisfaction. The employer benefits from the retention of employees and an increase in productivity. If employers are unsure of their role, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) gives some guidance on satisfactory accommodations on the job to make sure that there is equal access for all. 

Examples of easy fixes to accommodate those with chronic conditions include:

  • more frequent work breaks
  • elevator installation or lifts
  • increased lighting 
  • flexible scheduling