What Is a Retrograde Pyelogram Test?

Medically Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev on November 09, 2021
3 min read

A retrograde pyelogram is a diagnostic test that looks inside your kidneys, bladder, and ureters with an X-ray. Ureters are tubes connecting your bladder and the kidneys. 

Typically, a retrograde pyelogram is performed as a part of another test known as  cystoscopy

In this procedure, contrast dye is injected into both the ureters. These dyes show specific body parts more clearly on the X-ray. 

You'll be given anesthesia before the retrograde pyelogram. 

Your doctor may order a retrograde pyelogram if they want to check the function of your urinary tract. They may suspect a blockage in the ureter or kidney, or want to look further into the cause of blood in your urine.

A retrograde pyelogram can also check for the position of a ureteral stent or catheter that may be placed if there is a blockage in the urinary system.

Your doctor may recommend this test for other reasons, too. 

During cystoscopy with a retrograde pyelogram, radiation is used to get an interior image of the body. You should speak to your doctor about the amount of radiation the test will use. 

If you have had several X-rays previously, tell your doctor. They can talk to you about risks of overexposure to radiation. 

You should also inform your doctor if you're pregnant or suspect that you may be. Radiation exposure during pregnancy can cause birth defects in the child. 

If you have any kind of kidney disease or disorder, tell your doctor about it. The contrast dye used in a retrograde pyelogram could cause kidney failure in some cases. You may be at higher risk of this complication if you're taking medicines for diabetes. 

Some people may also be allergic to the dye used in a retrograde pyelogram. However, the test can still typically be performed on you, as the body only absorbs a small amount of this dye. Tell your doctor about this allergy beforehand, though. 

Some complications that may arise during a retrograde pyelogram are bleeding,  infection in the urinary tract, vomiting, nausea, and bladder tears. If you're too dehydrated, you will not be able to get the test done. 

Before you go for a retrograde pyelogram, your doctor will explain the procedure to you. They will also tell you what to expect. In some cases, they will give you a consent form to sign. If you have any questions or something on the form is unclear, speak to your doctor. 

This is an excellent time to tell your doctor if you have previously had an allergic reaction to dyes or you're allergic to anesthesia, certain medicines, or tape. You should also tell them about the over-the-counter or prescription drugs you're taking. Some drugs can increase the risk of complications arising from a retrograde pyelogram. 

Your doctor will also tell you how long you need to fast before a retrograde pyelogram. Depending on your condition, your doctor may prescribe you a laxative before the retrograde pyelogram. You may have to take it the previous night or a few hours before going for the test. 

The process of a retrograde pyelogram is relatively standard, regardless of your medical condition. 

  • When you go to the hospital, you will be asked to remove your jewelry and clothing. 
  • You will have to wear a hospital gown for the procedure. 
  • An intravenous line will be put in your hand or arm to give you a sedative to help you relax. 
  • You will be asked to lie, facing upward, on the X-ray table. You'll have to put your legs in the stirrups. 
  • Your healthcare provider will give you general anesthesia or a sedative before they put the endoscope in. 
  • They will put an endoscope through your urethra and into the bladder. Once it goes inside, the endoscope can show them inside the bladder. 
  • They will put thin tubes, called catheters, in both or one of your ureters. The dye will be injected through these tubes. 
  • X-ray images will be taken.
  • The endoscope and catheter will be removed. 

Your doctor will review results to see if you have a urinary tract problem.