Activities You Can Share With Your Loved One With Alzheimer's

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When a loved one has Alzheimer's, they may stop doing the daily activities they once enjoyed. But with a little ingenuity, you can help keep them interested and active for as long as possible. Modification is the key word. When it comes to daily chores, set up a routine for them to do familiar things about the same time each day. Routine helps people with Alzheimer's adjust to their changing abilities.

Go for a walk together. If you can't get outside, improvise simple indoor exercises. Music can be a great diversion for people with Alzheimer's. Put on some of their old favorites. You can even ask them to join you in a few dance steps.

Furry companions are always a comfort. Ask your loved one to feed or brush them if they can. Spend time in the garden so you can both be outdoors. If they're able to help, that's great. But even sitting and watching as you care for the plants is a nice way to spend time together.

And don't forget family on holidays or anytime. A visit from the grandkids or a favorite niece is a great way to spend an hour or so. If it becomes difficult for your loved one to be a part of things, let them relax. Match the activity to the person's capability. Keeping them engaged with life will be good for both of you.