Ways to Boost Energy Throughout First Trimester

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Feel more tired than you used to? That's totally normal for a mom-to-be! The fatigue should ease up during your 2nd trimester, though it might come back in the 3rd. Still, you can use these five simple tips to recharge your body and mood anytime.

Move around. Up to 30 minutes of exercise, like a brisk walk most days of the week, may help with your energy. Ask your doctor what other types of workouts you can do.

Stay hydrated. Sip plenty of water and other healthy drinks.

Get enough rest. If that means going to bed earlier than usual, then do it. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep a night. And take short breaks or naps if you need to during the day.

Eat good-for-you meals and snacks throughout the day. Cut back on sugary treats, too. That'll keep your energy levels steady.

If you're feeling too tired to do something, ask your family and friends for help. They'll probably be glad to pitch in.

Being pregnant takes lots of energy, so feeling tired is usually normal. Call you doctor if you suddenly feel exhausted, your energy doesn't improve with rest, or the tired feeling doesn't improve during your 2nd trimester.