Massage Gun: An Overview

Medically Reviewed by Ross Brakeville, DPT on October 17, 2024
8 min read

A massage gun is a handheld device that delivers percussive therapy – rapid back-and-forth pressure and vibration – to ease tight muscles. It can also help your muscles prepare for and cool down from workouts. It looks kind of like a mini jackhammer and comes with multiple attachments to customize the massage experience.

Massage guns differ from massage devices that only vibrate. With a massage gun, you get vibration on the outer layers of your skin while the massage head can put pressure and pulse on muscles deeper down. 

Besides massaging muscles directly, massage guns can loosen up tight fascia, which is the connective tissue that sits around muscles and bones. The movement affects your nerves and can stop the feeling of pain.

The combination of the motion delivers personalized massage, though the sensation can be quite different from a traditional massage with a massage therapist. 

The devices usually have many settings so you can customize the power and speed to suit your wants and needs. For example, you may want a lighter touch if you’re warming up for a workout or more pressure if you’re trying to massage a knot. Many devices come with a few attachments that are ideal for different muscle sizes. This lets you tailor the massage even more. 

Percussive therapy dates back to ancient Greek times. But these devices have only become popular in the past several years. They’re no longer reserved for use at a physical therapist’s office – now just about anyone can purchase one.

Massage guns can serve multiple purposes. 

Some people use massage guns to warm up muscles and increase blood flow before a workout. Others use them after a workout to recover. You can use one alone or along with stretching to reduce pain. 

Massage guns let you target tight, tense muscles or knots whenever you want without having to book a masseuse. This can be helpful if muscles are tight and make you less mobile.

In general, massage can enhance athletic performance by boosting mind-muscle connections. It can also enhance lymphatic drainage that can improve immunity and get rid of toxins in your body.

Massage guns have become popular because they deliver a wide range of health benefits. 

The devices can help you:

Recover after exerciseGliding the massage gun over muscles may help your body recover more quickly or effectively after a workout. In the hours after exercise, you may have soreness or pain. This is especially true if you move in a way your body isn’t used to or start to work different muscle groups. That discomfort – called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) – happens after muscle fibers are torn. The massage gun can raise the temperature of your skin, increase blood flow, and lower inflammation. The massage gun also relieves soreness and pain from lactic acid that builds up in muscles when you’re active.

Feel better after an injury. You can also try a massage gun on a muscle injury. But you may want to go gentler than you would without an injury.

Target muscles and fascia. Smaller attachments can help you get into tight places between bones and muscles, while larger ones can help you work on larger muscles.

Get around better. Repetitive movements, trauma, or even sleeping in a single position can make your body stiff or sore because your fascia tightens up. This may affect how you move. A quick massage gun session can loosen up fascia so your muscles move better.

In general, you can use a massage gun every day for a few minutes on the areas you’d like to target. This may include your quadriceps, hamstrings, back, glutes, biceps, and shoulder muscles. Always read the instructions that come with your product. They can give you insight on how to use your device.

Here are some basic tips for using a massage gun:

  • First, select the intensity you want. You may think you should go for the highest setting, but start with the lowest to see how you feel. Even lower settings can be very powerful. You may want more percussion on certain areas and less on others. 
  • Next, place the massage gun on the area of your body you’ve targeted. Point the head of the gun to the muscle without adding pressure. You can add a little pressure as you go, but the device does a lot of the work for you.
  • Glide the gun across the area. You can also stay in one spot, but don’t stay there too long. Moving it around helps you find other areas that may need extra attention.
  • Move to other areas. It may be tempting to let the gun rest on a sore spot (or push harder), but doing so could backfire and make the muscle more tense. You can always come back to a spot after giving the muscle a minute to recover.

Pay attention to how you feel during the massage to see what duration and settings are best for you. It’s also important to keep tabs on how you feel after using the massage gun. This can help you make the most of your massage gun sessions. For example, if you’re sore in a spot after using the massage gun, try using it for less time or intensity on that spot. You can also opt for a different attachment. You may want to take a day off from using the device or shorten how long you use it if you have any discomfort.

If you have an injury, be sure to ask your doctor or a physical therapist about whether you should use a massage gun and how you should use it.

Massage guns can provide a great deal of relief, but it’s important to use them safely to avoid injuries. The same percussion that feels great pounding on a muscle doesn’t feel good when you put it on other areas of your body, such as directly on a bone. 

Massage guns aren’t ideal for sprains or strains because they may be too intense. Plus, those kinds of injuries sometimes need rest above all.

Overusing the device can put too much stress on fascia and muscles and may cause an injury.

The device puts pressure on muscles, but the pressure you apply could put too much force on an area. If your skin feels bothered while you're using the massage gun, back off.

Where not to use a massage gun

Where you use the massage gun is critical. Running it over certain spots can be painful. If you glide the massage gun over bones, nerves, and joints, it can hurt. You shouldn't put it on skin that’s been sunburned or wounded. Massage guns are only made to go on muscles and fascia. 

Who shouldn’t use one?

Gentle vibration and percussion on muscles is probably good for most people. Ask your doctor, masseuse, or physical therapist if a massage gun is a good tool for you to use.

You may not want to use one if you’re on blood thinners because this could cause bruising. You might also want to avoid a massage gun if you have diabetes, deep vein thrombosis, blood clotting disorders, epilepsy, osteoporosis, or another musculoskeletal condition. Ask your doctor about using a massage gun if you’re pregnant. Adults over the age of 65 may be on multiple medications or have health conditions that might make it unsafe to use a massage gun.

The massage gun market may be overwhelming because there are so many devices and price points. It can be tricky to choose a massage gun if you’ve never used one.

Here are a few things to consider when buying a massage gun:

Settings. If there are different settings, you get plenty of options to decrease or increase the intensity or speed.

Attachments. More narrow attachments can get into tighter spots or reach smaller muscles. Larger attachments are ideal for larger muscles. Pay attention to the material of the attachments, too. Some devices have harder and softer attachments, letting you further customize your massage. 

Noise. Consider a massage gun with a brushless motor if you don’t want something as loud. Test the massage gun in the store to get an idea of its noise level.

Power. Have an idea of what kind of power source you’re looking for and how long the unit will stay charged. For instance, if you plan on taking your massage gun on the go (to the gym, perhaps), you may want something that’s cordless or has a USB port. This way, you can charge it in your car. Also, pay attention to the battery life, as some guns can go for hours while others need to be charged more often. Some massage guns come with rechargeable batteries.

To get an idea of the massage guns on the market, go online and read some product reviews. These can help you decide on the best massage gun for your needs and budget. 

Where to buy a massage gun

You can purchase a massage gun online or in a store.

Massage gun price

Many units start at about $100, and prices go up from there. Some can reach several hundred dollars.

Whether you’re looking to prepare for or recover from workouts, or just want to loosen up a knot in your neck, a massage gun provides a quick way to ease tension, boost circulation, and manage pain. The devices can cost a few hundred dollars but may save money in the long run if you don’t have to go to a massage therapist for relief as often.

  • Is a massage gun actually helpful?

Massage guns can help you warm up for and recover from workouts as well as ease muscle tension on the go. The combination of pressure and percussion can loosen up fascia and muscles. The handheld nature of the device lets you target areas that need attention.

  • What are the disadvantages of a massage gun?

A massage gun doesn’t replace an actual massage, but it may be enough to ease muscle tension for you between massages. Massage guns can be very powerful, so they’re not ideal for some older adults. They should only be used on muscles and not areas with injuries such as sprains.

  • What’s a massage gun best for?

Massage guns are best to help loosen up tight muscles or the fascia tissue that surrounds them. The devices use a percussion rhythm that can get circulation going and ease muscle tension so you don’t get sore after physical activity. They can also break up tightness or knots to improve your mobility or posture. Overall, the devices are good if you want to target a single area for a few minutes and find relief.

  • Is it OK to use a massage gun every day?

Go at your own pace to find out the setting and attachment that work for you. Your muscles may loosen up with regular use, so you may need to adjust the device or use it for less time. Most people can use them daily. But it’s best to look at the instructions that come with your device to see what the company recommends.

  • Can a massage gun reduce belly fat?

There’s no medical data showing that massage gun use can help you lose weight.