March Madness Survival Guide

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Dr. Michael Smith
It’s March, and that means it’s time for March Madness. You can usually tell who’s following the tournament by the bags under their eyes. But don’t let it get the best of you. Here’s your survival guide: Join in on the madness. So what if you don’t care about basketball? It’s free and easy to make a bracket. Plus it will let you join in on conversations with friends and coworkers. It could even boost your sports cred around the office. Don’t overeat. If you’re at a party while the game is on, junk food is sure to be on every table. And that pile of buffalo wings won’t help your busted bracket. If you just HAVE to try your friend Tabatha’s award winning dip, give yourself a small portion on a plate, so you won’t keep going back for more and more. Get sleep. Some of these games start late. You don’t want to miss the buzzer beater that sends your team to the championship, but if it’s not a must-see game, hit the power button and check the score in the morning. It’s ok to lose. There are almost 350 teams in all. Only 68 of those will make the tournament. And there is just one winner. So you’re in good company if you lose. If you make a scene and throw your food at the guy from the other school, you’re gonna have to find a new group to watch with next year. Enjoy the Madness! For WebMD I’m Dr. Michael Smith.