Vacation From Alcohol

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Everyone loves a vacation, but how about a vacation from alcohol? A lot of people are giving it a try. Should you?

There are a lot of benefits to passing on that glass of Pinot. You'll save money, sure, but you'll also save calories. Those glasses of wine and beer add up. In fact, if you pass on alcohol for a month or more, you can reap even more benefits.

Better sleep. While alcohol might help you fall asleep, it will not help you stay asleep. And waking in the middle of the night will leave you groggy the next morning.

Better eating habits. Studies show we eat worse on days when we drink. Think about that the next time you have a drink.

More energy. When you're eating and sleeping better, you're less likely to drag through the day and more likely to find time to do something you love.

And finally, weight loss. In one study, people who gave up alcohol for five weeks lost an average of three pounds. Now a glass of wine or a cocktail isn't all bad. In moderate amounts it could help lower your risk of heart disease. But there's nothing wrong with taking a vacation for a month, especially if it makes you feel better.

For WebMD, I'm Dr. Arefa Cassoobhoy.