What Is Karma?

Medically Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev on October 02, 2024
8 min read

You may have wondered, “What is karma, and how does it affect my life?”

Karma is a concept with a few definitions, specifically in Hinduism and Buddhism. The common sayings “what goes around comes around” and “what you sow is what you reap” are great examples of how karma works.

Hinduism identifies karma as the relationship between a person’s mental or physical action and the consequences following that action. It also signifies the consequences of all the actions of a person in their current and previous lives, as well as the chain of cause and effect in morality

In Buddhism, karma refers to the principle of cause and effect. The result of an action — which can be verbal, mental, or physical — is determined not only by the act but also by the intention.

Dharma generally means morality in Hindu religion and philosophy. It is based on the belief that rules, order, and customs make life and the universe work. In other words, people have a duty to behave appropriately to uphold this order. Dharma is also about believing in a higher purpose, being compassionate and empathetic to others, and understanding that everything in the world is connected. It believes in our ability to control our actions, take responsibility for these actions, and make choices based on what’s right.

On the other hand, karma is the belief that your actions and choices can shape your life and the next. Because what you do can lead to good or bad consequences, karma encourages doing good things with good intentions so you can have a positive future.

Different symbols are associated with the principles of karma or Buddhism. These symbols include:

Endless or eternal knot 

It is a design made up of intersecting right-angled lines. Some interpret it as representing the idea of an endless cycle of suffering, birth, death, or rebirth. It also reflects how everything in the world is connected or the infinite wisdom and compassion of the Buddha. The symbol also suggests that reality is grounded in continuity and nothing ends.


Because of its strong stem, the lotus grows above muddy water and blooms in sunlight, making it a significant symbol. It represents the soul’s journey from our core nature, tied to struggle and suffering, into beauty, clarity, peace, wisdom, and enlightenment through learning and experience.

Lungta or wind horse

The Lungta or wind horse is a drawing of a horse that appears to be flying or have wind blowing around it. The wind means speed, while the horse with jewels means wishes being fulfilled. It symbolizes good luck and success. When your Lungta is high, you’re in a good state: healthy, lucky, and successful. If your Lungta is low, you might face problems or unfortunate situations. 

The Wheel of Life

This symbol shows a wheel being turned by a creature and contains many symbols representing Buddhist ideas and teachings. The wheel has a ring in the center that symbolizes karma. On the left side, figures move up to better places because of their good actions, while on the right side, figures move down to worse places because of their bad or ignorant actions.

Karma promotes intentional action. For example, when you help someone in need, the action leaves an imprint. As these imprints develop with experiences, it opens the possibility of you receiving help in return when you need it. Conversely, harmful actions bring about negative consequences — you won’t receive help when you need it, but instead, you may be harmed.

But how does karma work? Let’s look at karma examples this way: if you were to plant oregano, would you expect something else to grow in its place? Of course, not. Oregano seeds would grow into oregano, just like lavender seeds would grow into lavender.

Karma psychology is essentially the same. If you act with good intentions, happiness will follow. If you act with ill intentions, problems will follow.

When you see dishonest and cruel people in positions of power get ahead in life or kind people face hardships and die young, it may be hard for you to believe in karma. Many people invest in karma only in times of distress or when uncontrollable situations occur, such as a decline in health.

Karma often helps people deal with these situations. Even people who don’t believe in karma often think that good deeds lead to good outcomes.

However, there is a downside to this belief. Some people are selfless givers, who think their good deeds and sacrifices will help them win in life. But many of these givers also fail because they find it hard to set boundaries when helping others. They may drop their own ambitions and goals to help others.

Karma can be individual or collective. For example, individual karma is created by a person’s thoughts, words, and actions. But when people act as a group, like when soldiers use weapons or when a religious group prays or meditates, they create collective karma.

Good karma vs. bad karma

Karma can be divided into good and bad. Good karma is a result of good deeds done for others, while bad karma results from intentional harm caused to others.

If your actions cause lasting pain and suffering, they are considered negative, unvirtuous, or destructive. If your actions cause happiness, they are considered constructive, positive, and virtuous. While actions aren’t as black and white as being fundamentally good or bad, the results can be identified as either. 

Sanchita karma vs. prarabdha karma 

Karma has four dimensions. Of them, sanchita and prarabdha are the two most common. 

Sanchita karma is the warehouse of karma, which goes back to evolution. It is believed that when people close their eyes and become aware, they can know the nature of the universe because they have a warehouse of information — or sanchita karma. Through this warehouse, you can gain knowledge from single-celled animals and inanimate substances, dating back to the very beginning of creation.

Prarabdha karma is the information given to you in your current lifetime. This information is often limited to only what you can handle. If you were to take on all of your karma memories, including those from your past lives, you would be unable to handle them and may even die. Several people are already haunted by memories just from their current existence. This is where prarabdha karma comes into play.

Karma has four main principles: 

Small actions can lead to great results. The smallest action can bring about immense happiness or sadness. What you may consider a small act of goodwill might be huge for another just like a short hurtful remark can have a lasting impact on them. You might not realize it but doing good deeds for others — no matter how small — might be life-changing for them.

Karma is nontransferable. That is, you’re responsible for your own karmic experiences. No one else can experience your karma for you nor can they remove it for you and vice versa. 

Noncommitted actions won’t give you the results you want. You must fully commit to actions or intent to get the results you desire. 

Karmic actions won’t disappear on their own. You must experience the results, whether good or bad, or purify them through spiritual practices.

In Buddhist philosophy, no higher power gives rewards and punishments. You simply act with intent and experience the consequences of your actions. That is, you’re responsible for your own actions and consequences.

Since karma is based on intent, things that happen by accident don't count toward karmic justice or consequences. It’s impossible to prove that karma is real, but for the people who believe in it, it can lead to stronger friendships and happiness. This is because most people who believe in karma will generally do good to receive something good in return.

Even if you don’t believe in karma, treating people with ill intent often leads to hard feelings, which can cause unhappiness and resentment. These feelings alone can cause troubles in life. People often attribute karma to treating others the way you want to be treated.

Karma can affect how you lead your life — either with fear of consequences or with anticipation of future rewards.

Karma is rooted in the belief that “what goes around comes around.” So, doing good things makes it more likely that good things will happen to you, while doing bad things makes it more likely that bad things will happen. Interestingly, you may experience good or bad things, even when it’s unclear how your actions led to these outcomes.

To attract good karma now and in the future, the best you can do is practice good deeds and kindness. Research also shows that when people feel overwhelmed, uncertain about the future, or in need, they’re more likely to help others. They hope that by helping others, they will attract good karma or be in fate’s favor.

Here are some ways you can attract good karma through your actions:

  • Do everything with kindness, and show kindness to everyone around you. When you move with kindness, you attract positive karma that encourages everyone and everything to be kind to you.
  • Chant a mantra with positive thoughts of others in mind. It helps clear away any negative karma you’re carrying around you.
  • Meditate. When you meditate, try to clear your mind and think about why you are meditating. Mediate feeling grateful for your life and where you are right now.
  • Be gracious in both wins and losses. Generously celebrate other people’s wins and successes and humbly accept your failures. You’ll attract good karma for the future and receive grace and generosity from others whether you’re doing well or not.
  • Give to charity. Giving helps you attract good karma because it brings generosity from others to you when you need it.
  • Be there for others, even when it’s inconvenient. Being there for people needing a listening ear or support, even strangers, helps you cultivate kindness and attracts good karma. Someone will be there for you when you need support.
  • Appreciate the life of all beings, especially the tiniest of creatures. You’ll attract the karma of a long life by doing so.

Karma is the belief that the things you do in life will eventually return to you, either in this life or the next. It is all about being aware of and intentional about what you do and how you treat others. Everything you do adds up to the kind of karma you attract. So, to live a good life filled with kindness, generosity, and success — both now and in the future — live each day with intention.

Is nirvana part of karma?

Nirvana is related to karma because it helps clear karmic debts or bad karma. It is a state of freedom and bliss where desires, jealousy, and ignorance no longer tie you down. Once you reach this state, you no longer have to go through the cycle of being born and dying, and all your bad karma is forgiven.

Does karma happen after bad things?

Bad things happen when you’ve attracted bad karma, and good things happen with good karma.

Does karma exist?

It hasn’t been proven that karma exists. But if you believe in karma and treat others with kindness, compassion, and generosity, you might likely receive the same from them.