Considerations for Enrolling in a Clinical Trial

Medically Reviewed by Jabeen Begum, MD on October 29, 2021
2 min read

‌Clinical trials are research studies carried out on people to understand how well a new medical, surgical, or other type of treatment will work. Mostly, they're used to find out whether the new treatment works better or if it has fewer or more side effects than the current treatment. Clinical trials can test drugs and medical devices as well. If you are thinking about taking part in a clinical trial, there are several points to consider.

‌Learn as much as you can about the clinical trial. Collect as much information as possible from the trial organizers or health care team. You may be asked to get a physical exam or meet eligibility standards before you get accepted into the trial. Discuss the details of the clinical trial with your doctor to understand if it's a good option for you at this stage of your treatment.

‌There are several important questions you can ask to learn more about the clinical trial:

  • What is the study trying to find out?
  • What are the possible benefits, risks, and side effects of the treatment compared to what I’m taking right now?
  • How long will the clinical trial last? For how long will I have to take part?
  • ‌How long will it take to get the results? 
  • ‌What if I decide to stop the clinical trial before it ends?
  • Will I get to see the results?
  • How will you be protecting my health during the study? 
  • ‌Will any of the tests cause pain or discomfort?
  • Can this clinical trial be done with the treatment and medicines I’m taking now?  
  • Is there any care for me after the trial is over? 
  • What if something goes wrong during the trial? What if my health gets worse? How will you care for me?
  • Is there someone available 24/7 that I can contact if I have a problem?

‌Also consider the practical details so you can understand whether you can comfortably take part in the clinical trial.  

  • ‌‌Where will the clinical trial take place, or is there a clinical trial closer to where I live? 
  • ‌Will you cover any costs for the trial, and if so, which costs?
  • Do I have to take time off from work? How much of my time is needed?
  • Will you follow up with me after the trial?
  • How do I get the results?
  • ‌How will you protect my privacy?

‌If you decide to take part in a clinical trial, there is a chance that you won't benefit from the trial. Since it’s a new treatment that's getting tested, you may also get exposed to unknown risks. Collect as much information as you can beforehand so you know what to expect and can make the right decision.