Latest Blog Posts from Brian Lamacraft

How Lifestyle Changes Help You Manage Sleep Apnea

How Lifestyle Changes Help You Manage Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can be a huge blow to your lifestyle once you get diagnosed. You have to make changes in your life to get the most out of your CPAP therapy ....

By Brian LamacraftAugust 28, 2024
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How to Fix Common CPAP Problems Before They Get Worse

How to Fix Common CPAP Problems Before They Get Worse

When you own a CPAP machine, there are a few problems that can occur. I’ve experienced all of the following, and I...

By Brian LamacraftJune 21, 2024
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How I Overcame CPAP Sleep Problems

How I Overcame CPAP Sleep Problems

When you first get a CPAP machine, you may have problems getting to sleep because you need to get used to this new...

By Brian LamacraftJune 7, 2024
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What I Learned After 7 Years with Sleep Apnea

What I Learned After 7 Years with Sleep Apnea

After 7 years of CPAP use, I want to reflect a bit on what I learned during this journey. I’m thankful I went to the doctor and got the test because...

By Brian LamacraftApril 19, 2024
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Why You Should Take a Sleep Test

Why You Should Take a Sleep Test

In this busy day and age, feeling tired is considered normal. We have a lot on our plates, but there’s a hidden danger in feeling tired all the time. Fatigue seems like it’s fine, especially as we age, but you may have undiagnosed sleep apnea.

By Brian LamacraftMarch 19, 2024
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Alternatives to CPAP Therapy for Sleep Apnea

Alternatives to CPAP Therapy for Sleep Apnea

CPAP is a popular therapy for sleep apnea, but there are other solutions that can help you. Your doctor and a sleep therapist will determine the best option for you. I currently use CPAP, but you have options. Let’s look at a few.

By Brian LamacraftMarch 1, 2024
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