How to Spot Added Sugar

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Just how sneaky is added sugar? Here's the not so sweet truth.

Sugar doesn't lurk only in dessert. Some food makers add it to things like frozen food, pasta sauce, bread, and baby food.

The sweet stuff goes by a bunch of other names, too-- more than 50 in all. So check labels for ones like evaporated cane juice, molasses, barley malt, and fruit juice concentrates.

Also be on the lookout for ingredients with names that in ose-- like fructose, dextrose, and maltose.

Remember, you don't have to stop eating everything with added sugar, just limit how much you get to about 25 grams a day, if you're a woman, and 36 grams, if you're a man.

You can also sink your teeth into naturally sweet fruits like bananas, apples, mangoes, and sweet potatoes.

It may help you satisfy your sweet tooth the healthy way.