5 Foods to Avoid for Less Constipation

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Feeling constipated? Bloated? Eat less of these high-fat, low-fiber foods to help get things moving again.

Too much cheese, cow's milk, and other dairy products makes some people feel backed up, especially children.

Go easy on the barbecued burgers, steak, and hot dogs, too. Meat overload can be to blame.

And resist the urge to supersize that fried chicken bucket or taco platter, because fast food is another constipation culprit.

When you're at the store, avoid putting refined grains in your shopping cart, like white bread and white rice, and steer clear of the sweet and snack aisles, too. Ice cream, cookies, chips, and soft drinks can all stop you up.

So what should you fill up on instead? Gradually eat more fiber-rich fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. They'll make your trips to the bathroom a lot easier.