Does Being a Woman Predispose You to AMD?

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Age-related macular degeneration or AMD, is an eye disease that damages the retina and can lead to vision loss. Wet AMD is a more serious form where abnormal blood vessel growth causes sudden vision loss. This video will explore the potential link between being a woman and developing wet AMD. Studies show estrogen could influence wet AMD development. Postmenopausal women using hormone therapy were less likely to develop wet AMD, but this benefit was not seen for early AMD.

Women may have a higher risk of wet AMD due to factors like longer lifespans, hormone levels, and inflammation tendencies. While some studies suggest a link between gender and AMD, experts emphasize that more research is needed to fully understand the connection. Regardless of gender, experts recommend annual dilated eye exams to screen for AMD and other eye diseases. Early detection is key for managing these conditions effectively. Learn more at