Staying Organized at Home With AMD

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Age-related macular degeneration affects central vision. Simple home changes can help maintain independence. We'll cover safety improvements, lighting, colors, organization, and helpful devices for living with age-related macular degeneration.

How to make your home more safe with AMD. Add handrails on stairs, secure rugs, remove clutter, and use skid-free mats. Store sharp objects and medications safely. Install smoke alarms and secure cords.

Lighting your home with AMD. Use warm LED lamps in dark areas. Install night lights or motion sensors for safe navigation. Use contrasting colors. Use contrasting colors to make objects stand out, like dark switches on light walls.

Embrace organization. Declutter and store frequently used items accessibly. Use labels to distinguish between similar items. Find useful devices. Consider large-key keyboards, magnified screens, text-to-speech software, and strategically placed magnifiers.