What Are the Treatments for Wet AMD?

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Wet age-related macular degeneration causes abnormal blood vessels to leak fluid under the retina, damaging central vision. While there's no cure, treatments can slow progression and help preserve sight. Let's explore the main treatment options for wet age-related macular degeneration.

Wet AMD injections. The primary treatment is anti-VEGF injections into the eye to block abnormal blood vessel growth. Early treatment can help slow vision loss.

Implants. Some patients may be candidates for implants that slowly release medication over time. Nutritional supplements. Doctors often recommend specific vitamin and mineral supplements that may slow age-related macular degeneration progression in some patients.

Photodynamic therapy. This treatment uses light-activated medication and lasers to seal leaking blood vessels and may help slow vision loss. Macular degeneration laser surgery. Traditional laser surgery is now rarely used but may seal off leaking vessels in some cases.

Early treatment gives the best chance of maintaining vision. Learn more at webmd.com.