What to Know About Liquid Vitamins After 60

Medically Reviewed by Jennifer Robinson, MD on February 26, 2024
3 min read

As you age, your body may not get all of the vitamins and minerals that you need for healthy functioning. A deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals can cause a higher risk of illness for older adults. Your body needs more nutrients than when you were younger. If your diet doesn’t provide you with the nutrients you need, you may need to add supplements. 

If you are wondering what to take or considering a multivitamin, you should consider talking to your doctor. They will be able to run tests and help you determine what you’re missing in your diet. 

Supplements come in multiple forms including tablets, capsules, liquids, soft gels, chewables, and powders. All of these options give you the freedom to take vitamins in a form that’s easiest for you. 

Liquid vitamins have flexible doses and are good for children and older adults to take. They are absorbed into your system faster, but you’ll want to be mindful of how fast your body should absorb vitamins and minerals. 

Liquid supplements often need to be refrigerated and have a shorter shelf life than other forms of supplements. 

If you have trouble swallowing pills or have issues with your esophagus, liquid vitamins might be a better option. Swallowing problems can make taking vitamins difficult, but liquid vitamins are an easier solution. 

As you age, your body doesn’t absorb vitamins in the same way. This could cause deficiencies that are making you tired and less focused, among other symptoms. 

If you are on a balanced and healthy diet, you are likely getting the right amount of vitamins. But if you don’t eat well all the time or have trouble absorbing nutrients, you need a multivitamin. Your doctor will help you best determine how to get all of the nutrients you need. 

Measure out your dosage. When taking liquid vitamins, you will need to determine how much to take. With doctor recommendations, you’ll be able to find out how many milligrams of the vitamin you need and how often. Using a medical measuring device will help you measure out exact dosages. Taking too much of a vitamin can be more dangerous than taking too little.  

Fast absorption. Liquid vitamins take less time to break down and be absorbed. If your body has a hard time absorbing nutrients, a liquid vitamin may be easier to take than pills or tablets. However, some essential nutrients should be absorbed slowly. Be mindful if you feel lightheaded or dizzy when taking a liquid vitamin. Talk to your doctor if you’re concerned. 

Older adults over 50 years old need more vitamins and minerals than they did when they were younger. You can talk to your doctor about specific supplements you may need. Generally, your doctor may suggest the following supplements that you may not be getting in your diet: 

  • Calcium. This helps keep your bones strong as you age. Bone loss is common in older adults and can increase your risk of fractures. 
  • Vitamin D. Most people get enough vitamin D through natural products from their bodies. Being in the sun for 15 to 30 minutes, twice a week can improve vitamin D production. 
  • Vitamin B6. This vitamin helps form red blood cells and is important for your heart health. 
  • Vitamin B12. Taking this keeps your red blood cells and nerves healthy. Older adults need more of this vitamin because your body may not properly absorb it naturally from foods. ‌

Older adults can lack certain nutrients in their bodies due to unhealthy diets or lack of absorption. Iron and other nutrient deficiencies can pose a greater risk for health problems in older adults. 

Taking too much of a nutrient can also be dangerous to your health. Exceeding the recommended intake level of a vitamin or mineral can be toxic to your body. 

Liquid vitamins pose a risk to older adults because the dosage may not be exact. You need to be precise when using liquid vitamins, and only take the recommended amount for your age and body type. 

If you experience the following symptoms you may have a nutrient overdose. You should contact Poison Control immediately: 

  • Abdominal pain
  • Low or high blood pressure
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Itching
  • Rash

If you are unsure or feeling bad after taking a vitamin or mineral supplement, you should contact your doctor or seek immediate medical care.