Cutest Cat Breeds

Medically Reviewed by Amy Flowers, DVM on July 23, 2023
4 min read

So you’re thinking of getting a pet cat. They’re all cute, but what’s the cutest? Depending on whether it's their expressive eyes, beautiful coats, or charming personalities that appeal to you most, there are so many cute cat breeds to choose from. To have a great experience with your new cat, pay attention to what cat breed will match your preferences and living conditions.

Remember, there are a lot of cats that are not of a particular breed and still make great companions - domestic shorthair/medium hair/longhair. Be open to cats that are not a specific breed or are cat "mutts." But here are a few known greeds you may consider.

Bengals. Bengals are a good-looking, playful, and intelligent breed of cat, making them great for families. This breed is very active, and will need more attention than others, but can become stressed. Bengals enjoy climbing and some even like going for walks. The coat pattern for Bengals can change: some have spotted coats while others have long stripes.

Ragdolls. These cats are large, laid-back, semi-long-haired cats with captivating blue eyes. The Ragdoll is a pointed breed, which means that the body is lighter in color than the “points” (the face, legs, tail, and ears), giving it a very distinct and striking appearance. Ragdolls tend to be more interested in humans than some other breeds of cats. They are known to run to greet you at the door, follow you from room to room, flop on you, sleep with you, and generally choose to be where you are.

Abyssinians. Abyssinian cats are trainable and can become very loyal to you. These cats are very curious and agenda-driven. Abyssinians love affection, so they’ll do best in a home where they have people to spend time with them. Abyssinian cats have beautiful blue, black, golden, or silver colored coats.

Ragamuffins. This breed will always cling to you for affection. Ragamuffins are calm and people-loving, making them particularly charming and adorable. Their friendly personalities help them quickly get along with children. Ragamuffins are known for their adorably large, expressive eyes.

American bobtails. American bobtails are recognizable from their muscular appearance and small tail. They thrive when they can bond closely with humans, so staying close to your American bobtail will keep it happy. These cats are playful and friendly with children and dogs. The American bobtail has a unique coat that mixes stripes and box-like spots, making them look similar to either leopards or tigers.

Chartreux. Chartreux cats stand out for their soft blue and silver-grey fur. These cats are quiet and make gentle chirping noises once their food bowl runs empty or they want attention. Despite their quiet personalities, Chartreux are large and muscular. Their short-hair coats are water-resistant and slightly thick in texture.

Personal commitment. Before you consider breed options, remember cats are creatures that need your care and devotion. Be prepared for long-term dedication to your pet cat.

Age. If you’re thinking of adopting a kitten, be prepared to spend lots of time with them and train them to use a litter box (although most learn very early). If you’re considering an older cat, it may already be litter box trained but will still need time to familiarize itself with your home. Older cats may also be shy or skittish around unfamiliar people if they weren’t treated well in an earlier home or sometimes they are just more timid. 

Vet visits. Cats need routine vaccinations and parasite prevention treatments (like topical flea medications). Although you or other pets can bring fleas and diseases inside, outdoor cats are exposed to a lot of fleas and diseases. Even so, both outdoor and indoor cats are prone to heartworm infections. Be sure to bring your cat to a veterinarian routinely so they can help you with preventative care. 

Diet. Cats can be picky when it comes to their food, so when you find something your cat likes, try to stick with it. Cats need food with lots of protein and vitamins, and low amounts of carbohydrates. Kittens will need specialized food with extra vitamins and nutrients to help them grow.

Training. While they’re little and when they’re new to your home, pet cats need a fair amount of training. They’ll need to learn how and where to use the litter box, and if there are any objects they shouldn’t climb on or scratch.

Taking into account the amount of attention and space you can offer, as well as if you want a short or long-haired cat, will make sure you and your new cat enjoy each other’s company. However, remember that the extra cuteness can sometimes come with extra grooming and attention demands.