Psoriasis: Understanding the Autoimmune Skin Condition

Medically Reviewed by Zilpah Sheikh, MD on August 20, 2024
5 min read

Yes, psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. It's also chronic and relapsing, which means you’ll have it long-term, but symptoms may come and go. Unlike a simple rash, psoriasis usually doesn’t improve with over-the-counter skin treatments.

There are medications, however, that are better than ever for treating the condition. Some people with psoriasis find lasting relief from drugs that target the immune system and from a range of skin treatments.

When you have an autoimmune disease, it means your immune system thinks its own tissues are foreign invaders that must be attacked. So instead of protecting your body, your immune system attacks the healthy cells, tissues, or organs in your body.

Your body’s immune system is supposed to protect you from diseases. When it’s working the way it should, immune cells identify and attack invaders such as bacteria and viruses. But when you have an autoimmune disease, cells in your immune system don't work properly.

With psoriasis, your T cells (a type of white blood cell) become highly active and attack skin cells by mistake. Then other parts of your immune system spring into action. Inflammation happens, and skin cells grow too fast.

In people who are considered healthy, new skin cells normally travel from deep within the skin to the surface of the skin in about a month. The process is called cell turnover. If you have psoriasis, new skin cells rise to the surface within days. The rapid cell turnover leads to thick patches of skin.

Autoimmune diseases are complex, unlike a cold or the flu. It’s hard to pinpoint a single cause, and with psoriasis, there appear to be several possible causes, including:

Genes. Studies suggest that genes play a role. So, you may be more likely to get psoriasis if someone in your family has it. Researchers have found dozens of possible genetic links with psoriasis.

Environment. Genes alone probably aren’t enough to cause or worsen psoriasis. You also need a “trigger” — something in the world around you that sets off psoriasis and psoriasis flares. These include:

  • Certain medications
  • Infections
  • Stress
  • Skin injury
  • Weather changes that dry out your skin

Not only is psoriasis likely an autoimmune disease, but it is also linked to other autoimmune diseases, most commonly psoriatic arthritis (PsA).

Some research shows that around 30% of people, when diagnosed with psoriasis, already have PsA, a disease that affects joints and the areas where tissue attaches to bone. Other research suggests that even more people with psoriasis — as many as 40% — will get PsA, usually within 5-10 years of skin symptoms.

Signs of PsA include:

  • A swollen, sausage-like finger or toe (dactylitis)
  • Nail changes or problems
  • Pain and swelling in one or more joints
  • Pain in the lower back/buttocks area (sacroiliac joints)

Other autoimmune conditions linked with psoriasis include:

If you think you have psoriasis, see your doctor right away. Usually, diagnosing psoriasis includes a discussion about your medical history and an exam of your skin, scalp, and nails. Some doctors may also take a small sample of skin to examine under a microscope. This test is called a biopsy.

While you’re at the doctor, be sure to describe any other symptoms besides skin and/or nail problems — especially if you have joint issues, including:

  • Heel pain
  • Morning stiffness that improves during the day
  • Swelling just above your heel
  • Swollen or tender joints

Because psoriasis often goes along with PsA, you’ll want to know as soon as possible if you have both. Early diagnosis and treatment of PsA can help prevent permanent damage to your joints.

Managing any disease can be a challenge. When you have psoriasis, you may need to keep track of many medications, such as prescription skin creams, ultraviolet light therapy, and powerful medicines. That’s in addition to things you might do at home to look and feel better, from daily oatmeal baths to avoiding alcohol.

Managing other diseases in addition to psoriasis might lead to:

A key to managing your psoriasis is to be an active partner in controlling your condition, not just a passive listener. You can start by bringing your doctor a list of your concerns -- emotional, financial, and medical. Here are some examples:

  • Why are you prescribing a certain medication? Does it have risks that I should know about, especially considering other drugs I take?
  • I don’t take certain medications regularly because of the cost. Do I have other options?
  • I have a health goal to take fewer medications/lose 15 pounds/feel less depressed, but I need help. Can you help me create a plan?

If you don’t like what you hear or don’t feel you’re getting the help you need, remember it never hurts to get a second opinion.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes itchy painful rashes on your skin and affects your focus. Although it's a long-term condition, symptoms may relapse or come and go. Some treatments can help manage psoriasis. These include medications such as prescription skin creams and ultraviolet light therap y, as well as home remedies, such as taking daily oatmeal baths and avoiding alcohol. Talk to your doctor if you think you have psoriasis. Early treatment is key to controlling your symptoms and preventing additional symptoms of the condition.

What are the symptoms of psoriasis?

Psoriasis symptoms relapse, which means your flares may come and go. Some signs of psoriasis include an itchy rash that may become different in color, a burning or sore feeling, or very dry skin that may bleed.

What causes psoriasis to flare up?

Factors such as heavy alcohol use, smoking, certain weather conditions, and medications such as blood pressure drugs may trigger psoriasis.

What are the best treatments for psoriasis?

Treatments for psoriasis depend on how strong your symptoms are, but they generally include topical creams such as corticosteroids, light therapy, and injections or oral medications such as biologics (like etanercept, infliximab, and more) and immunosuppressants (like methotrexate and cyclosporine).

Is eczema an autoimmune disease?

Unlike psoriasis, eczema is not an autoimmune disease. Although the immune system is involved with eczema, additional things also lead to eczema, such as environmental triggers. Eczema is considered an inflammatory skin condition.

Is there a connection between psoriasis and dermatitis?

The symptoms of psoriasis can be similar to those of dermatitis, including red, itchy, scaly patches. With psoriasis, however, the patches tend to affect more than one area of your body at a time and the itchiness may not be as severe. You can also have psoriasis and dermatitis at the same time.