Skin Fungus 101

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Fungi are everywhere in our world…taking advantage of warm, moist environments to grow and prosper. It's no different on our bodies.

And so, if for some reason, there's just more organisms than what the body can handle, it can be pretty widespread. Ah, that's all dark and green.

or if it's really angry looking and it's in the creases of your child's legs and private areas, those are reasons that you might think its yeast as opposed to something else.

Diabetics tend to be predisposed because they're just enough immunocompromised and a lot of diabetics are also overweight, and so they have folds in their skin that trap moisture and that's just what the yeast loves, it's that moist environment…

kind of like a Jackson Pollock type of painting where you might be spattering paint… It's incredibly easy to kill but it's incredibly easy to get it again just because it does like particular skin types.

Swimming pools, locker rooms and other communal areas can be hotbeds for picking up a fungal skin infection.

and see whether or not they're developing their own ringworm and the vets, you know have ways of treating them.

But if you are immune-compromised and garden, farm or live in certain geographic areas of the U.S. there is danger.

they can be in your lungs, and people who have intact immune systems, their body can take care of it and that's not a problem but,if your immune system is compromised then these types of fungal organisms can really set up shop and take root in the body.